
GASTAT joins Gulf statistical agencies in celebrating Gulf Statistics Day

The GCC countries celebrate the Gulf Statistics Day, which is marked on 24 December 2022 under the theme "Statistics for Sustainable Opportunities". The event comes within the framework of enhancing the statistical work aimed at providing statistical data that support development plans and achieve the goals of development visions of the GCC countries. The GCC Statistics Day is an important occasion in which the statistical bodies, centers and offices of the GCC countries renew their interest in statistical work and confirm its vital role in setting plans and programs for comprehensive sustainable development. It is worth mentioning that the Saudi statistical work has started in a very early era of the Saudi development history. It has started in 1349H /1930 and became an organized work that refers technically and administratively to the General Statistics System issued by the Royal Decree No. (23) dated 7/12/1379H -1/6/1960. The General Statistics System has played a vital role to organize the statistics sector by controlling the relationship between the Central Department of Statistics and Information and other agencies, until the issuance of the Royal Decree in 1436H to transform the Central Department of Statistics and Information into a public authority called the General Authority for Statistics which enjoys a legal personality, and financial and administrative independence. In 1437H, the organization of the General Authority for Statistics was approved, whose articles stated that the General Authority for Statistics is the entity that shall be responsible for technical and organizational supervision of the statistics sector and shall form a comprehensive system of national statistical databases for various fields. The Authority has been entrusted with organizing and supervising the statistical sector, in order to enable it and enhance its awareness. During the 141st session of the Ministerial Council of GCC which was held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain in 24 November 2016, a day for the Gulf Statistics Day was allocated to be held every year. The importance of this day is emphasizing the partnership of society in all its categories with statisticians, and shedding light on the vital role played by statistics in achieving sustainable development in the GCC countries. It also shows the strategic role played by the Gulf statistical system in making decisions and building development policies.
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GASTAT: Real estate price index increases by 1.6% in Q4 of 2022

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 19 January 2023, the real estate price index results for Q4 of 2022. The general real estate price index for Q4 of 2022 increased by 1.6% compared to Q4 of 2021; this increase is attributed to the increase in residential real estate prices by +2.6%. The increase in residential land prices is the main driver of real estate prices in Q4 of 2022 compared to Q4 of 2021. The residential sector recorded an increase of 2.6%, where the prices of residential land plots went up by 2.7% given the heavy weight of the prices of the residential sector, which had a significant impact on the increase in the general index. As for other residential real estate, the prices of villas increased by 1.7%, and apartments by 2.2%, while house prices decreased by 0.4%. The prices of residential buildings were stable. Commercial sector went down by 0.2%, due to the decrease in the prices of commercial lands by (-0.2%), and the prices of exhibitions decreased by 2.3%, while the prices of commercial buildings remained stable and did not record any relative change. The prices of commercial centers increased by 0.1%, however, the agricultural sector decreased by 0.8%, affected by the drop in agricultural land prices by (-0.8%), according to the publication’s results. GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 8.6% in November 2022

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 10 January 2023, the results of the industrial production index (IPI) for November 2022. The publication results showed that during November 2022, IPI increased by 8.6% compared to the same month in the last year (November 2021), as a result of the increase in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing activity. The results of the index's monthly publication revealed that the mining and quarrying activity index for November 2022 increased by 5.7% compared to the same month in the last year (November 2021), manufacturing activity also increased by 19.7% in November 2022 compared to the same month in the last year (November 2021), while electricity and gas supply activity showed a decrease of 10.9% compared to November 2021. According to the report's results, the annual growth rate in the index was positive in November 2022, and the industrial production index achieved positive growth rates during the previous months, due to the increase in the mining and quarrying activity as well as the manufacturing activity. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Saudi Arabia’s merchandise exports Increase in November 2022 by (3.6%)

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 25 January 2023, the Saudi Arabia’s International Trade Publication for the month of November 2022. The value of Saudi Arabia’s merchandise exports amounted to (113 billion riyals) one hundred thirteen billion riyals in November 2022, compared to (109 billion riyals) one hundred nine billion riyals in November 2021, with an increase of (4 billion riyals) four billion riyals, by (3.6%). However, the value of petroleum exports recorded (90 billion riyals) ninety billion riyals in November 2022, compared to (81 billion riyals) eighty-one billion riyals in November 2021, with an increase of (9 billion riyals) nine billion riyals, by (11.1%), according to the publication. The value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) in November 2022 amounted to (23 billion riyals) twenty-three billion riyals, compared to (28 billion riyals) twenty-eight billion riyals in November 2021, with a decrease of (5 billion riyals) five billion riyals, by (19.7%( .The value of Saudi Arabia’s merchandise imports in November 2022 amounted to (63 billion riyals) sixty-three billion riyals, compared to (50 billion riyals) fifty billion riyals in November 2021, with an increase of (13 billion riyals) thirteen billion riyals, by (26.0%), the results of the publication noted. GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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General Authority for Statistics & SDAIA Sign a MoU to Exchange Expertise and Support GASTAT’s Competitive Position in the Field of Data

The General Authority for Statistics and SDAIA signed a MoU to enhance cooperation between the two parties, in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim, Minister of Economy and Planning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GASTAT, His Excellency the President of SDAIA, Dr. Abdullah bin Sharaf Al-Ghamdi, and His Excellency the Director of the National Information Center, Dr. Essam bin Abdullah Al-Waqeet. The agreement was signed at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Planning in Riyadh by His Excellency Dr. Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, President of GASTAT, and His Excellency Dr. Mashari bin Ibrahim Al-Mashari, Deputy Director of the National Information Center. The memorandum of understanding stems from the belief of the two parties in the importance of government integration in order to achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. The memorandum aims to exchange expertise to support the competitive position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of data, and raise the levels of harmony between statistical and record data in order to support policies and research in various development fields. The memorandum also aims to reach a knowledge-based economy and society through joint coordination in order to raise the quality and quantity of indicators, statistics and data related to developmental aspects, and to support decision-making based on scientific methodologies and accurate data based on evidence.  The memorandum of understanding also contributes to the formation of a comprehensive system of databases and statistical information in accordance with international standards. It also emphasizes on raising the level of cooperation in awareness-raising programs, organizing courses and workshops between the two parties, in addition to exchanging knowledge, expertise and skills, and training employees.
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Non-Oil Merchandise Exports Increase by 4.4% in October 2022

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 22 December 2022, the international trade publication of Saudi Arabia for October 2022. The value of merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia during October 2022 reached (121 billion riyals) one hundred and twenty-one billion riyals, compared to (106 billion riyals) one hundred and six billion riyals in October 2021, with an increase of (15 billion riyals) fifteen billion riyals, a percentage of (14.2%), according to the data contained in this publication. The value of oil exports during October 2022 reached (96 billion riyals) ninety-six billion riyals, compared to (82 billion riyals) eighty-two billion riyals during October 2021, with an increase of (14 billion riyals) fourteen billion riyals, a percentage of (17.1%). The value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) during October 2022 reached (25 billion riyals) twenty-five billion riyals, compared to (24 billion riyals) twenty-four billion riyals during October 2021, with an increase of (1 billion riyals) one billion riyals, a percentage of (4.2%), the publication results noted. The value of merchandise imports in Saudi Arabia during October 2022 reached (67 billion riyals) sixty-seven billion riyals, compared to (46 billion riyals) forty-six billion riyals during October 2021, with an increase of (21 billion riyals) twenty-one billion riyals, a percentage of (45.7%). General Authority for Statistics is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, and analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are also extracted as well.

Real GDP Grows by 8.8% in Q3 of 2022

On Thursday, 8 December 2022, General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released on its official website www.stats.gov.sa the report of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and National Accounts Indicators for the third quarter of 2022. According to the estimates, real GDP recorded an increase by (8.8%), compared to the same period of last year 2021. The real GDP of oil activities grew by (14.2%) compared to Q3 of 2021. Moreover, real GDP of non-oil activities recorded an increase by (6.0%) compared to the same period of 2021. Seasonally adjusted real GDP increased by (2.1%) during Q3 of 2022, compared to Q2 of 2022, the publication’s results noted It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.

Industrial Production Index Increases by 14.1 % in October 2022

Today 11 December 2022, General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released on its official website www.stats.gov.sa industrial production index’s results for October 2022. The industrial production index for October 2022 increased by 14.1% compared to October 2021, as a result of the rise in the activity of mining and quarrying and the activity of manufacturing, according to the results of the publication.   The index of mining and quarrying activity for October 2022 went up by 12.0%, compared to October 2021, and the manufacturing activity for October 2022 increased by 23.2 % compared to the same month of last year. However, the activity of electricity and gas supply decreased by 1.8%, compared to October 2021. The general industrial production index for October 2022 increased by 0.3% compared to September 2022, due to the increase in manufacturing activity which went up by 5% during October 2022. On the other hand, the mining and quarrying activity and electricity and gas supply activity decreased by 0.7% and 11%, respectively, the publication’s results noted. GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in targeted activities, such as: activities of mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Non-Oil Merchandise Exports in Saudi Arabia Increase by 13.1% in Q3 of 2022

On Thursday November 24, 2022, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the International Trade Publication in Saudi Arabia for the month of September 2022, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa The publication results indicated an increase in the value of merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia during September 2022, where it reached (125 billion riyals), compared to (95 billion riyals) during September 2021, an increase of (30 billion riyals), by 30.9%. According to the publication results, the value of oil exports during September 2022 reached (100 billion riyals), compared to (70 billion riyals) during September 2021, with an increase of (30 billion riyals), a percentage of 43.4%. The value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) during September 2022 reached (24 billion riyals), compared to (25 billion riyals) during September 2021, with a decrease of (1 billion riyals), a percentage of 3.4%, according to the publication. The value of merchandise imports in Saudi Arabia during September 2022 reached (60 billion riyals), compared to (47 billion riyals) during September 2021, with an increase of (13 billion riyals), a percentage of 26.9%. On the other hand, the publication results indicated an increase in non-oil merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia by 13.1% during the third quarter of 2022. According to the publication results, the value of merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia during the third quarter of 2022 amounted to (400 billion riyals), compared to (274 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with an increase of (126 billion riyals), by 46.1%. The publication results stated that the value of oil exports during the third quarter of 2022 amounted to (321 billion riyals), compared to (204 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with an increase of (117 billion riyals), by 57.3%. According to the publication results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) during the third quarter of 2022 amounted to (78 billion riyals), compared to (69 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with a decrease of (9 billion riyals), by 13.1%. The value of merchandise imports during the third quarter of 2022 reached (181 billion riyals), compared to (145 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with an increase of (36 billion riyals), a percentage of 25.1%. It is noteworthy that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well. .

GASTAT joins Gulf statistical agencies in celebrating Gulf Statistics Day

The GCC countries celebrate the Gulf Statistics Day, which is marked on 24 December 2022 under the theme "Statistics for Sustainable Opportunities". The event comes within the framework of enhancing the statistical work aimed at providing statistical data that support development plans and achieve the goals of development visions of the GCC countries. The GCC Statistics Day is an important occasion in which the statistical bodies, centers and offices of the GCC countries renew their interest in statistical work and confirm its vital role in setting plans and programs for comprehensive sustainable development. It is worth mentioning that the Saudi statistical work has started in a very early era of the Saudi development history. It has started in 1349H /1930 and became an organized work that refers technically and administratively to the General Statistics System issued by the Royal Decree No. (23) dated 7/12/1379H -1/6/1960. The General Statistics System has played a vital role to organize the statistics sector by controlling the relationship between the Central Department of Statistics and Information and other agencies, until the issuance of the Royal Decree in 1436H to transform the Central Department of Statistics and Information into a public authority called the General Authority for Statistics which enjoys a legal personality, and financial and administrative independence. In 1437H, the organization of the General Authority for Statistics was approved, whose articles stated that the General Authority for Statistics is the entity that shall be responsible for technical and organizational supervision of the statistics sector and shall form a comprehensive system of national statistical databases for various fields. The Authority has been entrusted with organizing and supervising the statistical sector, in order to enable it and enhance its awareness. During the 141st session of the Ministerial Council of GCC which was held in Manama, Kingdom of Bahrain in 24 November 2016, a day for the Gulf Statistics Day was allocated to be held every year. The importance of this day is emphasizing the partnership of society in all its categories with statisticians, and shedding light on the vital role played by statistics in achieving sustainable development in the GCC countries. It also shows the strategic role played by the Gulf statistical system in making decisions and building development policies.
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GASTAT: Real estate price index increases by 1.6% in Q4 of 2022

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 19 January 2023, the real estate price index results for Q4 of 2022. The general real estate price index for Q4 of 2022 increased by 1.6% compared to Q4 of 2021; this increase is attributed to the increase in residential real estate prices by +2.6%. The increase in residential land prices is the main driver of real estate prices in Q4 of 2022 compared to Q4 of 2021. The residential sector recorded an increase of 2.6%, where the prices of residential land plots went up by 2.7% given the heavy weight of the prices of the residential sector, which had a significant impact on the increase in the general index. As for other residential real estate, the prices of villas increased by 1.7%, and apartments by 2.2%, while house prices decreased by 0.4%. The prices of residential buildings were stable. Commercial sector went down by 0.2%, due to the decrease in the prices of commercial lands by (-0.2%), and the prices of exhibitions decreased by 2.3%, while the prices of commercial buildings remained stable and did not record any relative change. The prices of commercial centers increased by 0.1%, however, the agricultural sector decreased by 0.8%, affected by the drop in agricultural land prices by (-0.8%), according to the publication’s results. GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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Industrial Production Index Increases by 8.6% in November 2022

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 10 January 2023, the results of the industrial production index (IPI) for November 2022. The publication results showed that during November 2022, IPI increased by 8.6% compared to the same month in the last year (November 2021), as a result of the increase in mining, quarrying, and manufacturing activity. The results of the index's monthly publication revealed that the mining and quarrying activity index for November 2022 increased by 5.7% compared to the same month in the last year (November 2021), manufacturing activity also increased by 19.7% in November 2022 compared to the same month in the last year (November 2021), while electricity and gas supply activity showed a decrease of 10.9% compared to November 2021. According to the report's results, the annual growth rate in the index was positive in November 2022, and the industrial production index achieved positive growth rates during the previous months, due to the increase in the mining and quarrying activity as well as the manufacturing activity. It is noteworthy that GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including the industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in the targeted activities, which are mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Saudi Arabia’s merchandise exports Increase in November 2022 by (3.6%)

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 25 January 2023, the Saudi Arabia’s International Trade Publication for the month of November 2022. The value of Saudi Arabia’s merchandise exports amounted to (113 billion riyals) one hundred thirteen billion riyals in November 2022, compared to (109 billion riyals) one hundred nine billion riyals in November 2021, with an increase of (4 billion riyals) four billion riyals, by (3.6%). However, the value of petroleum exports recorded (90 billion riyals) ninety billion riyals in November 2022, compared to (81 billion riyals) eighty-one billion riyals in November 2021, with an increase of (9 billion riyals) nine billion riyals, by (11.1%), according to the publication. The value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) in November 2022 amounted to (23 billion riyals) twenty-three billion riyals, compared to (28 billion riyals) twenty-eight billion riyals in November 2021, with a decrease of (5 billion riyals) five billion riyals, by (19.7%( .The value of Saudi Arabia’s merchandise imports in November 2022 amounted to (63 billion riyals) sixty-three billion riyals, compared to (50 billion riyals) fifty billion riyals in November 2021, with an increase of (13 billion riyals) thirteen billion riyals, by (26.0%), the results of the publication noted. GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.
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General Authority for Statistics & SDAIA Sign a MoU to Exchange Expertise and Support GASTAT’s Competitive Position in the Field of Data

The General Authority for Statistics and SDAIA signed a MoU to enhance cooperation between the two parties, in the presence of His Excellency Mr. Faisal bin Fadel Al-Ibrahim, Minister of Economy and Planning, Chairman of the Board of Directors of GASTAT, His Excellency the President of SDAIA, Dr. Abdullah bin Sharaf Al-Ghamdi, and His Excellency the Director of the National Information Center, Dr. Essam bin Abdullah Al-Waqeet. The agreement was signed at the headquarters of the Ministry of Economy and Planning in Riyadh by His Excellency Dr. Fahd bin Abdullah Al-Dossari, President of GASTAT, and His Excellency Dr. Mashari bin Ibrahim Al-Mashari, Deputy Director of the National Information Center. The memorandum of understanding stems from the belief of the two parties in the importance of government integration in order to achieve the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030. The memorandum aims to exchange expertise to support the competitive position of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the field of data, and raise the levels of harmony between statistical and record data in order to support policies and research in various development fields. The memorandum also aims to reach a knowledge-based economy and society through joint coordination in order to raise the quality and quantity of indicators, statistics and data related to developmental aspects, and to support decision-making based on scientific methodologies and accurate data based on evidence.  The memorandum of understanding also contributes to the formation of a comprehensive system of databases and statistical information in accordance with international standards. It also emphasizes on raising the level of cooperation in awareness-raising programs, organizing courses and workshops between the two parties, in addition to exchanging knowledge, expertise and skills, and training employees.
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Non-Oil Merchandise Exports Increase by 4.4% in October 2022

General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued on its official website www.stats.gov.sa today, 22 December 2022, the international trade publication of Saudi Arabia for October 2022. The value of merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia during October 2022 reached (121 billion riyals) one hundred and twenty-one billion riyals, compared to (106 billion riyals) one hundred and six billion riyals in October 2021, with an increase of (15 billion riyals) fifteen billion riyals, a percentage of (14.2%), according to the data contained in this publication. The value of oil exports during October 2022 reached (96 billion riyals) ninety-six billion riyals, compared to (82 billion riyals) eighty-two billion riyals during October 2021, with an increase of (14 billion riyals) fourteen billion riyals, a percentage of (17.1%). The value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) during October 2022 reached (25 billion riyals) twenty-five billion riyals, compared to (24 billion riyals) twenty-four billion riyals during October 2021, with an increase of (1 billion riyals) one billion riyals, a percentage of (4.2%), the publication results noted. The value of merchandise imports in Saudi Arabia during October 2022 reached (67 billion riyals) sixty-seven billion riyals, compared to (46 billion riyals) forty-six billion riyals during October 2021, with an increase of (21 billion riyals) twenty-one billion riyals, a percentage of (45.7%). General Authority for Statistics is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, and analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are also extracted as well.

Real GDP Grows by 8.8% in Q3 of 2022

On Thursday, 8 December 2022, General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released on its official website www.stats.gov.sa the report of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and National Accounts Indicators for the third quarter of 2022. According to the estimates, real GDP recorded an increase by (8.8%), compared to the same period of last year 2021. The real GDP of oil activities grew by (14.2%) compared to Q3 of 2021. Moreover, real GDP of non-oil activities recorded an increase by (6.0%) compared to the same period of 2021. Seasonally adjusted real GDP increased by (2.1%) during Q3 of 2022, compared to Q2 of 2022, the publication’s results noted It is worth noting that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and research, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well.

Industrial Production Index Increases by 14.1 % in October 2022

Today 11 December 2022, General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released on its official website www.stats.gov.sa industrial production index’s results for October 2022. The industrial production index for October 2022 increased by 14.1% compared to October 2021, as a result of the rise in the activity of mining and quarrying and the activity of manufacturing, according to the results of the publication.   The index of mining and quarrying activity for October 2022 went up by 12.0%, compared to October 2021, and the manufacturing activity for October 2022 increased by 23.2 % compared to the same month of last year. However, the activity of electricity and gas supply decreased by 1.8%, compared to October 2021. The general industrial production index for October 2022 increased by 0.3% compared to September 2022, due to the increase in manufacturing activity which went up by 5% during October 2022. On the other hand, the mining and quarrying activity and electricity and gas supply activity decreased by 0.7% and 11%, respectively, the publication’s results noted. GASTAT issues a number of Industry-related statistical products, including industrial production index (IPI), which is an economic indicator that reflects relative changes and evolution in the volume of industrial production quantities based on the data of the industrial production survey. It is implemented monthly and targets industrial establishments operating in targeted activities, such as: activities of mining and quarrying, manufacturing, and electricity and gas supply.
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Non-Oil Merchandise Exports in Saudi Arabia Increase by 13.1% in Q3 of 2022

On Thursday November 24, 2022, the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) issued the International Trade Publication in Saudi Arabia for the month of September 2022, on its official website www.stats.gov.sa The publication results indicated an increase in the value of merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia during September 2022, where it reached (125 billion riyals), compared to (95 billion riyals) during September 2021, an increase of (30 billion riyals), by 30.9%. According to the publication results, the value of oil exports during September 2022 reached (100 billion riyals), compared to (70 billion riyals) during September 2021, with an increase of (30 billion riyals), a percentage of 43.4%. The value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) during September 2022 reached (24 billion riyals), compared to (25 billion riyals) during September 2021, with a decrease of (1 billion riyals), a percentage of 3.4%, according to the publication. The value of merchandise imports in Saudi Arabia during September 2022 reached (60 billion riyals), compared to (47 billion riyals) during September 2021, with an increase of (13 billion riyals), a percentage of 26.9%. On the other hand, the publication results indicated an increase in non-oil merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia by 13.1% during the third quarter of 2022. According to the publication results, the value of merchandise exports in Saudi Arabia during the third quarter of 2022 amounted to (400 billion riyals), compared to (274 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with an increase of (126 billion riyals), by 46.1%. The publication results stated that the value of oil exports during the third quarter of 2022 amounted to (321 billion riyals), compared to (204 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with an increase of (117 billion riyals), by 57.3%. According to the publication results, the value of non-oil exports (including re-exports) during the third quarter of 2022 amounted to (78 billion riyals), compared to (69 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with a decrease of (9 billion riyals), by 13.1%. The value of merchandise imports during the third quarter of 2022 reached (181 billion riyals), compared to (145 billion riyals) during the third quarter of 2021, with an increase of (36 billion riyals), a percentage of 25.1%. It is noteworthy that GASTAT is the only official statistical reference for statistical data and information in Saudi Arabia. It carries out all the statistical work, in addition to the technical oversight of the statistical sector. It also designs and implements field surveys, conducts statistical studies and researches, analyzes data and information, in addition to documenting and archiving all works of information and statistical data that cover all aspects of life in Saudi Arabia from its multiple sources. Data are written, classified, and analyzed; their indicators are extracted as well. .