20 Apr 2024

Job details

252101 - Database Designer

Determine the needs, requirements and objectives of the concerned entity; establish a data model containing the basic design elements required; adjust the database; determine the types of data to be stored; design the database; prepare, present and keep the specialized documents and reports related to the field of database designing.

Main Tasks:
  • Study, analyze, identify and include the needs, requirements and objectives of the government entity; and ensure that databases are designed according to its goals and objectives.
  • Create a data model that contains all the basic design elements required and recognized in the data language; and make sure to create a logical structure that enables the development of data sequentially and systematically.
  • Adjust the database to ensure that the structure of which fits with the general purposes of the entity and that it is free from any undesirable qualities such as insertion, update and deletion, which may lead to the loss of data validity, especially if they are linked.
  • Determine the types of data to be stored; identify their degree of independence or correlation with other data; and select the best methods, tools and means to ensure that they are collected, organized and managed as required.
  • Prepare the specialized documents and reports related to database designing; provide, display, clarify and keep the appropriate recommendations and solutions on the database, as per the approved policies and procedures.

Educational Level:
  • Bachelor degree

Educational Field:
  • Software and applications development and analysis

  • Team Work
  • Ability to build relationships
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Effective Communication
  • Focus on Servie Quality

Technical skills:
  • Database design (logical)
  • Database programming
  • Open Database Connectivity (programming)
  • Database design (physical)
  • Database development

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