25 Apr 2024

Last update 27 / 05 / 2018

Industrial Production Survey

  • Industrial Production Survey helps in providing indicators and statistics for supporting decision-makers.
  • Results of Industrial Production Survey support national development.
  • Continuing to provide statistics and data via the Industrial Production Survey for supporting every development decision.
  • Sound decisions starts from accurate information Transparency is a value we realize.
  • It is an attempt to provide the needed statistical data and information on all economic activities for government bodies and agencies as well as researchers.
  • Results of data provided by institutions about their production in the Industrial Production Survey.. helps decision-makers in continuous development and improvement.

Cabinet decree no. (211) of 13-1-1437H gave the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) the right to conduct surveys in the economic, social and population fields on behalf of the kingdom and publishing them periodically. Based on this right, GASTAT has installed programs and surveys that aim to create a statistical database in all fields, including data and statistics of household economy with a view to providing support in periodically developing a study of the economic status of the households and following up and evaluating changes in the economic indicators of the households and behaviors. As part of GASTAT surveys, GASTAT is working to conduct a Industrial Production Survey. International recommendations and standards of the International Labor Organization have been taken into account while preparing the survey methodology and designing the survey form. 



Date of survey

From 18/7/2017 to 20/8/2017 

Industrial Production Survey

3000 establishments

Every three months

30 نوفمبر, 2017

Field researchers from GASTAT

This form covers all sampled institutions in the survey, whose main economic activity is (industrial production). The industrial production activities are classified as follows:
1.Mining and quarrying activities (extractive industries)
2.Manufacturing Industries
3.Electricity, gas and water supply
Industrial Production Survey form includes 7 main sections that are filled by using hand devices "tablet":
Section I: Economic activity
Section II: Average number of employees
Section III: Worker compensations
Section IV: Operating Expenses
Section V: Operating Revenues
Section VI: Raw Materials
Section VII: Production by commodity type

Industrial production survey is a quarterly survey that covers economic activities that fall under the industry sector in all regions of the kingdom.
This survey provides short-term indicators that are highly accurate and comprehensive about the activity of the extractive industry and the manufacturing industry as well as the activity of electricity, gas and water, which serve decision-makers in understanding the economic developments in the kingdom in this sector. This survey also provides -- in addition to the number of workers, their remunerations, expenses and revenues -- data about raw materials used in production as well as data about production by commodity. The Industrial Production Survey aims to:
1.To contribute to making up the Industrial Production Index (IPI);
2.To provide quarterly data on the industry sector for the purpose of developing short-term indicators in such a manner helping to identify the seasonal changes in the industrial sector;
3.To update short-term economic data related to activities of industry, electricity, gas and water along with determining the percentage of its contribution to the development;
4.To measure the scope of seasonal change of workers in the industry sector;
5.To measure the scope of seasonal change in remunerations paid to workers, as well as other expenses and revenues in the industry sector;
6.To provide short-term statistical data and information on the industry sector for government bodies and authorities as well as researchers; and
7.Using such data to make local, regional and international comparisons and carry out studies and analyses.

Through the Industrial Production Survey form, quarterly data are collected about operating institutions that are sampled in the survey in all the administrative regions in the kingdom. The census of establishments for 2010 is the general framework of this survey given it includes all basic data necessary for the sample. The administrative regions are divided into thirteen regions as follows:
5.Eastern Region
9.Northern Borders

1.Scope: Recognizing and pointing out the statistical requirements, and determining the possible solutions
2.Design: Designing all subsequent steps of the statistical process.
3.Organiation: Preparing and testing all statistical work procedures
4.Collection: Data collection and verification.
5.Categorization: Data processing for converting data from initial data to statistical data.
6.Review: Verifying and explaining the results
7.Publishing Preparing outputs for publishing
8.Evaluation: Conducting a comprehensive evaluation of all stages of the statistical process.
9.Management: Administering all steps of the statistical process continuously.

صفحات وعي إحصائي: 
Details of the Industrial Production Survey
Terms and definitions in Industrial Production Survey
What is the meaning of time reference in Industrial Production Survey?
The Importance of Industrial Production Survey and its Advantages for the Saudi Economy and Achieving Sustainable Development
Form of the quarterly Industrial Production Survey
Scope of the Industrial Production Survey
Stages of statistical surveys in GASTAT
Mechanism and methodology of implementing Industrial Production Survey
What are the most important results of the Industrial Production Survey?
What are the beneficiaries of results of the Industrial Production Survey?
Industrial Production Survey helps in providing indicators and statistics for supporting decision-makers.
Results of Industrial Production Survey support national development.
Continuing to provide statistics and data via the Industrial Production Survey for supporting every development decision.
Sound decisions starts from accurate information Transparency is a value we realize.
It is an attempt to provide the needed statistical data and information on all economic activities for government bodies and agencies as well as researchers.
Results of data provided by institutions about their production in the Industrial Production Survey.. helps decision-makers in continuous development and improvement.

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