GaStat: 1125 teams played 4220 matches in 2015
Issuing an indicator about the numbers of sports federations, clubs, stadiums, matches, and sports teams
GaStat: 1125 teams played 4220 matches in 2015
On Monday, 6 /Rabe'a First/ 1438 corresponding 5/ November /2016, GaStat issued an indicator about the numbers of sports federations, clubs, stadiums, matches, and sports teams (2011-2015) classified according to Saudi Arabia's administrative regions and their sports federations, ordinary clubs, and disabled and deaf people clubs. The indicator clarifies the number of matches of all individual and group games, in addition to the number of stadiums for each kind of games including closed area stadiums. It also clarifies the number of sports teams.
The indicators states that the number of sports federations in Saudi Arabia has increases from 30 federations to 35 federations in the period (2011-2015). However, the number of clubs including disabled people clubs reached 188 clubs with 1125 sports teams. 4220 matches have been played in 387 closed and open stadiums.
Riyadh region registered the highest numbers in the indicator results with 35 sports federations, 47 clubs, 722 individual and group matches, 99 stadiums for all kinds of games, and 285 teams in 2015.
In its published indicator, GaStat said that sports statistics are one of the most important cultural indicators locally, regionally, and internationally. GaStat started collecting sports data from their official reference. Furthermore, it revealed that the indicator presents all changes in the numbers of sports clubs ,federations, and teams, in addition to the developments in stadiums during the last five years.
It is worth mentioning that this indicator was launched as part of the 45 statistical products announced lately by GaStat. Their launching constitute the first stage of the new products which include economic, social, demographic, Omrah, and labor market statistics. In addition to other statistics related to energy, knowledge, environment, culture, sport, entertainment, security, and safety.

GaStat: The cost of oil exports in September 2016 is 43.5 billion SAR
GaStat: The cost of oil exports in September 2016 is 43.5 billion SAR
On Wednesday, the 1st of Rabe'a first 1438 corresponding 2016/11/30, GaStat has issued two indicators; (oil exports in September 2016) and (The percentage of non-oil exports to non-oil GDP in the second quarter of this year). The cost of Saudi oil exports reached 43.5 billion SAR in September. Therefore, Saudi oil exports have increased by (6.2%) compared to the same month of last year ( September 2015). In this way, oil exports constituted (81.5%) of all exports. According to the indicator descriptive data, oil exports include mineral fuel, mineral oil, distillation products, bituminous materials, and mineral waxes. The exports are composed of local commodities exports ( national exports) and foreign commodities exports ( re-export). (oil exports) indicator showed that national exports refer to all commodity exports that are locally produced and manufactured, or those which undergone manufacturing procedures that changed their shapes and cost. However, the (re-export) indicated in the ( oil exports) indicator means exports of previously imported commodities without any clear modifications.
As for the indicator of non-oil exports to non-oil GDP, GaStat revealed that non-oil exports constitute (10.0%) of non-oil GDP in the second quarter of 2016, compared to (11.2%) in the same period of last year. This decrease is attributed to the decrease of non-oil exports (9.8%) compared to the increase in non-oil GDP (1.0%) during the same period.
The published report defined non-oil exports as all exports excluding oil commodities exports. According to the same indicator, non-oil GDP is defined as part of GDP resulted from non-oil sector using current prices, it does not include import taxes. On the other hand, the annual change mentioned in the same indicator means growth on an annual basis. It measures the statistical change during a ( month or quarter) compared to the same period of last year.
It is worth mentioning that these indicators were launched as parts of the 45 statistical products announced lately by GaStat. Their launching constitute the first stage of the new products which include economic, social, demographic, Omrah, and labor market statistics. In addition to other statistics related to energy, knowledge, environment, culture, sport, entertainment, security, and safety.
Download ( Excel | PDF ): Oil Exports, September 2016
Download ( Excel | PDF ): Ratio of Non-oil Exports to Non-oil GDP, 2nd Quarter 2016
See more new indicators please click here

"China" the main destination for Saudi exports with a value of SAR (6693) million
Issued its two indicators "exports and imports 10 key partner countries" and the "balance of trade" of Saudi Arabia
"China" the main destination for Saudi exports with a value of SAR (6693) million
On Tuesday Safar 29, 1438H, corresponding to November 29, 2016 the General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) has issued its two indicators: (Trade directions of the top 10 partner countries for exports and imports of Saudi Arabia) and the (balance of trade) until the end of September 2016 on its official website www.stats.gov.sa. The country direction's report considered China as the main distention for exports in Saudi Arabia as the value of Saudi exports to China has reached (6693) million riyals. On the other hand, the (balance of trade) indicator showed a surplus in the Saudi balance of trade in the amount of (22470) million riyals.
The results of the foreign trade directions for the top 10 partner countries in Saudi exports and imports indicator showed that Chins is the main distention for exports in Saudi Arabia as the value of Saudi exports to China has reached (6693) million riyals, making it the main distention for exports, followed by Japan and South Korea with a value of (5913) million riyals and (5106) million riyals, respectively. Unites States, India, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Taiwan, Netherlands and Bahrain are within the 10 top export destinations. The total amount of Saudi exports to those 10 countries has reached (37709) million riyals, representing (70.6%) of total exports.
In September 2016, the value of imports from the United States has reached (5273) million riyals which makes it in the first place for Saudi imports, followed by China and United Arab Emirates with a value of (4540) million riyals and (1842) million riyals, respectively. Germany, Japan, South Korea, India, Italy, France and Brazil are amongst the top 10 import destinations. The Saudi total imports from these countries has reached (20227) million riyals, representing (65.3%) of total imports.
In its report issued today, GaStat has mentioned the lists of the top 10 exports and imports has been prepared separately, and the top 10 exports/imports countries are the countries with the highest exports/imports values determined by the descending order of countries by the value of exports/imports for the period of study.
In its report, GaStat noted the metadata and used definitions. The report showed that the total exports means the local commodity exports (national exports), and the foreign commodity exports (re-export). The assessment is based on free on board (FOB). The national exports are export of all commodities which has been produced or manufactured locally or has been gone through industrial processes that has changed its shape and value. And re-export concept refers to the exports of formally imported commodities without any obvious amendments. Finally, imports refer to all commodities entering Saud Arabia to meet the local needs after going through customs. Import of services is not included. The assessment is based on the Cost, Insurance and Freight (CIF).
According to GaStat balance of trade, in 2016, the Saudi exports and imports have reached (53423) million riyals and (30953) million riyals, respectively. This led to surplus in the balance of trade in the amount of (22470) million riyals compared to the same month last year (September 2015) which was (6323) million riyals.
In its report of metadata and used definitions, GaStat clarified that the term balance of trade means net exports, which is the difference between exports and imports of the country in certain period of time. This shows if the country has a surplus (exports greater than imports) or a deficit (imports greater than exports) in its foreign trade.
It is worth mentioning, that launch of the two new indicators by GaStat comes within the framework of supporting national development. GaStat announced earlier the launch of more than 45 new statistical products which included: economic, social, demographic Umrah, labour market, energy, knowledge, environment, culture, sports, entertainment, and Security and safety statistics.

GaStat: Gross savings rate to GDP in the second quarter of 2016 is (27.46%)
GaStat: Gross savings rate to GDP in the second quarter of 2016 is (27.46%)
On Thursday 1438 -Safar-24, corresponding 2016-November-24, GaStat has issued the indicator of ( Gross savings rate to GDP) of the second quarter of 2016. It has been published on GaStat official website www.stats.gov.sa. The gross savings rate to GDP of the second quarter recorded an increase of (4.02%) registering (27.36%) compared to the same period of last year in which it registered (26.40%).
Download:Gross Savings for 2nd Quarter 2016 Please click here

GaStat begins five statistical works to support social and economic development
Targeting (33500 HH, (15600 establishments), and lasting for (37) days
GaStat begins five statistical works to support social and economic development
On Sunday 13 Safar 1438 H corresponding 13 November 2016, GaStat starts visiting households and establishments all over Saudi Arabia to implement a number of field works associated with five statistical surveys. Therefore, GaStat asks all citizens and residents either individuals or institutions to cooperate with the statisticians who work in the field in all (13) Saudi regions including cities and governorates. The statistical works will last until 20 Rabe'a first 1438 H corresponding 19 December 2016. These works are targeting more than (33500 HH) and (15600 establishments), and conducted by (650 statisticians).
Taiseer Almufarrij, GaStat spokesman said that the first work will be the labor force survey of the fourth quarter of 2016. This survey will last for 24 days aiming at providing detailed data about the national labor force, measuring the employment and unemployment rates, providing data about the employed and unemployed persons, identifying the employed persons' monthly wage average, in addition to providing data about the employed persons' actual weekly working hours by occupation and economic activity, and data about regular and irregular laborers. The results of these works are essential in making developmental resolutions. However, (Omrah) survey works will begin at the same time of labor force survey works. They aim at building a database about the numbers of Omrah performers, providing accurate statistics about Omrah performers from Saudi Arabia along with foreign Omrah performers to support the 2030 Saudi vision indicators and the developmental resolutions associated with the two holly mosques.
As for the economic statistical works, GaStat spokesman revealed that the economic indicators research works will start during this week. It targets the non-profit public and private establishments. Moreover, the establishments' industrial production research will start, targeting the establishments that work in manufacturing and extractive industries, electricity, gas, and water. This research aims at providing detailed economic data about all establishments. In addition, the direct foreign investment survey will begin, targeting the foreign investment establishments for the purpose of providing detailed economic data about public and private establishments which help in identifying the direct foreign investment indicators in Saudi Arabia.
GaStat confirmed that all data are treated as informational base that developmental resolution makers in all related governmental entities can rely on. It is important to note that all statisticians are holding official cards and are officially charged with collecting data, so that they can be saved and treated with total confidentiality according to the general statistics system issued by the ministers cabinet. Through its website www.stats.gov.sa, the authority gives everyone an opportunity to view the field research forms, depending on which data are going to be collected. All households and establishments are welcome to call us on 8001240440 for any enquiry about these works or any other work.
It is worth mentioning that GaStat are following certified international standards in selecting samples of all its statistical works as they are considered part of the selected statistical community. These samples must represent the studied community. They also must have the community features, so that their results can be published as official statistics on the authority official website.

GaStat launches the second version of its electronic portal
5 new features enable the authority clients to get statistical products using Arabic and English languages
GaStat launches the second version of its electronic portal
GaStat launched the second version of its electronic portal www.stats.gov.sa . 5 new features were added to enable the clients from both public and private sectors, decision makers, and researchers to get statistical data, bulletins, and reports issued by the authority in Arabic and English.
The authority asserted that the second version is one of the authority's developmental efforts in providing updated, accurate, comprehensive, and credible statistical products and services that have an added value according to the best international standards and practices.
Through its portal, the authority presents its statistical products and services, so that it becomes a digital database for a lot of developmental fields. The statistics and data come in multimedia and templates that help in supporting the developmental decisions, provide those who are interested in statistics with proper knowledge, and help media in raising the statistical awareness using many interactive windows. The second version was developed to facilitate reaching the indicators and information by focusing on five new features. In this version, there is a new interface for the statistical library which displays the statistical products classified by the product issuance period and issuance periodicity ( monthly, quarterly, or annual). The second feature is the possibility of displaying 35 statistical products. However, the third feature aims at providing statistical products issuance methodologies and field survey forms, so that clients, specialists, academics, and researchers can overview the forms used in the field surveys. As for the fourth feature, it provides a separate section for the statistical products and bulletins' dates of releases. This collaborates in achieving the authority values which include independency and transparency. The fifth feature is the ability to download the products in "Excel" and "PDF" format, so that decision makers, specialists, and researchers can download and use the files to select the appropriate indicators.
It is worth mentioning that GaStat official website was designed in a way that enables everyone to browse it using computers, laptops, tablets, and smart phones.