GASTAT starts the enumeration process for pilgrims of 1439 H
More than 470 statistical researchers started their works this morning
GASTAT starts the enumeration process for pilgrims of 1439 H
GASTAT started the enumeration process for pilgrims who arrived in Makkah this morning Sunday the first of Dhu Al-hijjah 1439 H. The enumeration process is done through more than 470 statistical, administrative and technical researchers from GASTAT and they are available at the main centers in Makkah, Medina, Jeddah and Taif. In addition, the researchers will be working for (24 hours) every day until the sunset of the day of Arafah the ninth of Dhu Al-hijjah next Monday. Moreover, GASTAT clarified that the process of collecting data from pilgrims is done by completing the data of the electronic form in a very short time. The data include: number of pilgrims, nationality, destination and type of vehicle.
On the other hand, GASTAT called all the pilgrims who are heading to Makkah for Hajj this year to submit the required statistical data to the pilgrims’ enumeration centers which are: Makkah/Jeddah Highway) Road , (Makkah/old Jeddah)Road, Altan’eim center(the connection road between Medina and Makkah), AlShrai’e center (the connection road between Makkah city and Alta’if city through AlSail), Alkar center (the connection road between Makkah and Alta’if through Alhada), and the Southern center ( Allaith -Jazan road near Als’adeiah village) in addition to the Hajj statistics supportive centers in Jeddah at King Abdulaziz international airport, mass transportation stations, and other locations in Jeddah, Medina center (Abiar Ali and ‘Ashirah), and Alta’if center (Alsail Alkabeer).
GASTAT Launches the “Statistical Calendar” for 1439H Hajj Season
Including services statistics provided by more than 40 entities to pilgrims
GASTAT Launches the “Statistical Calendar” for 1439H Hajj Season
GASTAT has Launched the “Statistical Calendar” for 1439H Hajj Season, on Sunday, the first of Dhu al-Hijjah -1439 , through GASTAT’S official, which shows the publishing dates of services statistics provided by government entities in Saudi Arabia to pilgrims, in addition to the statistics of domestic and foreign pilgrims.
GASTAT official spokesman, Mr. Taiseer Almofarrej, explained that the statistical calendar with its content, from statistics and numbers, aims to show the efforts made to pilgrims from more than 40 public and private entities. Moreover, on the second day of the current month of Dhu al-Hijjah, the statistics of services provided to pilgrims such as, supervision, public, health, transportation, and communication as well as information technology services will be announced through statistical calendar and on GASTAT’S official website. Then, the number of domestic and foreign pilgrims will be published every six hours, from the seventh day of Dhu al-Hijjah, until the total number of domestic and foreign pilgrims is announced that will be on the evening of Arfa, the ninth of Dhu al-Hijjah, if Allah willing. Furthermore, Mr. Almofarrej added that GASTAT will issue the detailed bulletin of Hajj statistics the morning of Eied day (10 Dhul Al-Hijja 1439H).
Moreover, the spokesperson of GASTAT revealed that the statistical calendar includes services statistics provided to pilgrims from the following governmental entities: Holy Makkah Province Principality, AL-Madinah Principality, Ministry of Interior, Ministry of Hajj and Umrah, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Da'wah and Guidance, Ministry of Media, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, General Authority for Statistics, General Customs Authority, Saudi Food and Drug Authority, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture,
Communication and Information Technology Communication, Saudi Commission for Investigation and Prosecution in Makkah Province, Makkah Region Development Authority, Saudi Red Crescent Authority, General Security, General Directorate of Passports, The General Directorate of Saudi Civil Defense, The National Information Center, the General Presidency of Grand Mosque and Prophet's Mosque Affairs, Civil Defense in Makkah Province, Holy Makkah Municipality, Jeddah Municipality, Electricity Company of Makkah, Makkah and Taif Business Units at the National Water Company, The Custodian of Two Holy Mosques Institute for Hajj and Umrah Research, the High Commission for Controlling Pilgrims’ Transportation, Saudi Post, Saudi Arabia Boy Scouts Association, Saudi Arabia Airlines , King Abdulaziz International Airport in Jeddah , Prince Mohammad Bin Abdulaziz International Airport , Jeddah Islamic Port, Mobile and Internet Operators as well as many entities involved in providing services to pilgrims.
It is worth mentioning that the services statistics provided by the public and private entities will be available through the GASTAT’S official website on the dates set, according to the statistical calendar dates in open sources to support research, studies and media centers to benefit from and publish them.

Makkah Receives Pilgrims with "Security" and " Statistics"
With integration and coordination between GASTAT and the road security special forces
Makkah Receives Pilgrims with "Security" and " Statistics"
The General Authority for Statistics and the Road Security Special Forces in Makkah region clarified that all entry ports in Makkah are ready to receive pilgrims starting from the first hours of the first day of Thu-Alhijja, 1439 H. They added, great efforts have been made both financially and physically to facilitate the pilgrims' entry process. " Statistics" and " Road Security Special Forces" asked all pilgrims to provide their data accurately and clearly once they reach Makkah official entry ports.
This was discussed during the coordinative meeting which was held on Saturday Thu-alqida 29, 1439H in the services center in Alshimaisi Alsare'a between GASTAT leaders and the Road Security Force in Makkah region. The attendants of the meeting included GASTAT president, Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi and the operation division director in the Road Security Force in Makkah region Colonel Faisal bin Saad Alju'aid, who confirmed that all security entities are highly prepared for implementing the Hajj instructions in all roads and entry ports to make the entry process quick and easy, especially in the rush days which are usually the seventh and eighth days of the Thu-alhijja. All vehicles will be received by the road security special forces to make sure they have Hajj license. Then the General Authority for Statistics begin the task of pilgrims enumeration in the main centers surrounding Makkah: (Makkah/ Jeddah highway) center, ( Makkah/ Jeddah old way) center, Tane'em center, Sharae'a center, the South center, and the supportive centers in Medina and Taif.
On his part, GASTAT deputy of operations, methodologies and supervisor of the Hajj statistics program, Mr. Fahd Al-Fuhaid, said that the cooperation and integration with the Special Forces had started early this year. The meeting came today to review the joint goal between the two sides which is serving pilgrims and facilitating their entry to the city of Makkah during these days with all the data required to implement the program of Hajj statistics. He added that the process of collecting information is conducted electronically in a way that does not exceed 30 seconds maximum to ensure the speed of vehicles entry, as the statistical researcher enter data of each car carrying pilgrims coming from inside Saudi Arabia, including: type of car, number of pilgrims distributed by gender and nationality. Then he registers data in an electronic form using tablets. The entered data are referred to the time and date of vehicle entry and coordinates of the data collection location. Then they add the data of pilgrims coming from outside Saudi Arabia that are taken from the Directory of Passports.
It is worth mentioning that in addition to the road security forces and the relevant security entities, there are some other entities participating in the implementation of security tasks at the entrances leading to Makkah such as the Hajj Security Command for Traffic Affairs, the General Directorate of Passports, the General Directorate of Prisons, and Security Aviation. All offices and branches of the road security special forces also participate in the mission of Hajj each in his specialty to control the fake Hajj campaigns in accordance with a comprehensive security system to implement the early legal procedures on all roads leading to Makkah. However, the General Authority for Statistics in coordination with all these entities counts and enumerates the numbers of pilgrims, as their work lasts until they announce the total number of pilgrims on the ninth of Thu al-Hijja.

Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi: Saudi Arabia is the Heart of the Islamic World, and Serving Pilgrims is an Honor
GASTAT continues its preparations for the 1439H Hajj statistics
Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi: Saudi Arabia is the Heart of the Islamic World, and Serving Pilgrims is an Honor
The president of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) announced that the authority is still preparing for the Hajj statistics program for this year 1439H. these preparations aim at providing detailed and accurate statistics, data, and information about the numbers of pilgrims coming from inside and outside Saudi Arabia. These works will be done through seven main centers in Makkah, and three supportive centers in Medina, Jeddah, and Taif.
Dr. Fahad bin Sulaiman Altekhaifi said that GASTAT with all its financial and humanitarian potentials, along with many governmental entities, is implementing the directions of the custodian of the two holly mosques and his crown prince- may God protect them- to provide all pilgrims with the services they need in order to make them feel comfortable, as Saudi Arabia is honored to serve them and facilitate their Hajj steps every year. Saudi Arabia represents the heart of the Islamic world, and serving pilgrims is an honor. Therefore, all Saudi public and private entities are competing to provide whatever they can do to make the Hajj season a successful one. He added, we, the people of Saudi Arabia, recognize what does it mean to be the only country that organizes a very important Islamic pillar.
Dr. Altekhaifi clarified that GASTAT is implementing the Hajj statistics through three main tracks; the first one concerns pilgrims coming from inside Saudi Arabia (from all Saudi regions to Makkah). In this track, GASTAT uses the comprehensive enumeration method, which counts all arrivals who come to Makkah for the purpose of Hajj. It is conducted through all Hajj statistics main centers located in Makkah entry ports. The president indicated that all main centers are located in the entry ports of Makkah and surrounds it from all sides, except for the one located in the center of Makkah.
GASTAT employees are found, along with the concerned entities of the ministry of interior, in (Makkah/ Jeddah highway) center, which is the biggest and most important center, as it represents the main way taken by pilgrims who come from Jeddah city. They are also found in (the old way between Makkah and Jeddah) center, Tan'em center, Shara'ea center, Alkar center, and the south center. However, GASTAT can be also found in some supportive Hajj statistics centers which are located in Medina, Jeddah, and Taif, especially in the domestic pilgrims' parking, airports, public transport stations, and the Meeqat spots. The second track is for pilgrims coming from outside Saudi Arabia (pilgrims who come from outside Saudi Arabia to Makkah through all air, land, and sea ports. To count those pilgrims, GASTAT depends on the pilgrims data received from the concerned entities, distributed by gender, nationality, date of arrival, and way of arrival. However, the third track concerns pilgrims coming from Makkah. GASTAT estimates the numbers of those pilgrims depending on the periodical field surveys conducted by GASTAT among a sample of households from Makkah in order to determine the percentage of pilgrims who come from Makkah.
As for the mechanism of pilgrims' numbers enumeration, Dr. Fahad Altekhaifi stated that GASTAT staff will be present in the Hajj statistics centers located in Makkah entry ports, so that they can count all arrivals who come for the purpose of Hajj. The works will begin on the first day of Thu Alhijja, 1439H. the staff will register the data of every car that carries pilgrims coming from inside Saudi Arabia. The data will be registered on an electronic form by using tablets. They include the car type, number of pilgrims distributed by gender and nationality. The data have a time reference which is the time and date of entry, and a spatial reference which is the coordinates of the data collection location. After that, the information will be transferred to the entry centers' databases through transferring systems. Then a synchronization of data is made between the tablets and the centers' databases. Finally, data are transferred to the main database in Makkah, where data are processed, and daily reports and Hajj statistics bulletins are written.
It is worth mentioning that the task of pilgrims' enumeration has been done by GASTAT since 1390 H. this task aims at providing accurate information that helps all governmental entities in planning and developing the pilgrims services. This task is still performed by GASTAT with many improvements in the methods of enumeration to make them more accurate and comprehensive.
Saudi Arabia was pleased to serve 54 million pilgrims during the last 25 years
GASTAT conducts annual enumeration for pilgrims
Saudi Arabia was pleased to serve 54 million pilgrims during the last 25 years
According to GASTAT’s official statistics, the total number of pilgrims who were served by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia during the last twenty-five years reached (53.928.358) pilgrims. The lowest number of pilgrims was registered in the Hajj season of 1415 H where the number of pilgrims reached (1.781.370). On the other hand, the highest number of pilgrims was registered in 1433 H where the number of pilgrims reached (3.161.573) pilgrims. Additionally, during the last ten years the number of pilgrims reached (23.834.151) pilgrims.
GASTAT spokesman, Taiseer Almofarrej said that counting the numbers of pilgrims each year is one of the important tasks performed by GASTAT. This task has started since 1390 H in order to provide accurate information that would help all governmental entities to plan and develop the services provided to pilgrims. However, the task has been performed for many years, with a lot of developments in the methods of counting and enumeration so that they can be applied in an accurate, comprehensive, and professional way.
Mr. Almofarrej added that the Hajj statistics program aims to complete all programs of future plans for the purpose of providing the necessary services for the pilgrims, whether social, health, security, food or transportation services. It is done by using a time series of accurate data on the numbers of pilgrims, the estimates of manpower needed to serve the pilgrims and to maintain their safety and comfort during the Hajj season of each year. The data and numbers of pilgrims are used by the entities concerned with the study of the preparations and the main facilities in Makkah and the holy places and taken into account when preparing the necessary plans. In addition, it provides accurate information and data about hajj statistics for researchers, students, beneficiaries and those interested in this field. Furthermore, the data on the number of pilgrims is used in the evaluation of the activities and events conducted by the entities concerned with serving the pilgrims, as well as to identify ways of arrival of the domestic pilgrims and the pilgrims coming from outside the Kingdom.
The official spokesman of the General Authority for Statistics revealed that the statistics of the services provided by government agencies to pilgrims will be announced periodically from the first of Dhu al-Hijjah. Furthermore, the Authority will release the final and official number of pilgrims on the evening of 9th of Dhu al-Hijjah, through the Hajj statistics bulletin in details which includes: number of pilgrims inside, number of pilgrims outside, number of pilgrims by sex, nationality and destination, number of vehicles transporting pilgrims as well as types, and other detailed data.
It is worth mentioning that during the previous 25 years, the number of pilgrims exceeded three million pilgrims once, while exceeding more than two million pilgrims twelve times. On the other hand, it fell from two million pilgrims during twelve seasons, and the lowest was recorded in 1415, according to the following table.
Numbers of pilgrims during the past 25 years
Total number of pilgrims
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) Released the Real Estate Price Index, Q2, 2018
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) Released the Real Estate Price Index, Q2, 2018
On Sunday, the 16th of Dhu al-Qa'dah 1439H corresponding July 29, 2018, The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the report of Real Estate Price index, Q2 2018 on GASTAT official website
The real-estate price index has recorded a decline by (7.0%) compared to the previous quarter (Q1, 2018), where the indicator of the Real Estate Price index reached (83.6) in the second quarter of 2018 compared to (84.2) in (Q1, 2018). This decline can be attributed to the decrease in the main sectors composing it: the housing sector (8.0%), the commercial sector (4.0%), and the agricultural sector (1.0%) compared to the first quarter of the current year.
At the level of the residential sector in details, the second quarter of 2018 witnessed slight decreases compared to the previous quarter, where the residential land decreased by (0.9%), the villas decreased by (1.7%), the apartments decreased by (0.6%), while the houses decreased by (0.1%). On the other hand, residential buildings increased by (0.2%). Regarding the commercial sector, commercial plots decreased by (0.4%), compared to the previous quarter. However, the agricultural sector witnessed a decrease by (0.1%). in agricultural lands.
Furthermore, the index is based on the data records about real-estate’s transactions available at the Ministry of Justice, and it is an important tool to support economic and statistical decision makers regarding the changes of property prices and future forecasts during different periods of time. The index has three main sectors consisting of several types of real estate: housing sector which includes the following (plot of land, building, villa, apartment and house), commercial sector includes (plot of land, building, exhibition/commercial center and shop), and the agricultural sector with only one category which is the agricultural land.

GASTAT Releases the Results of the Household Health Survey 2017
Containing more than 85 Indicators of Household Health in the Kingdom
GASTAT Releases the Results of the Household Health Survey 2017
On Thursday, Dhu al-Qidah 13th, 1439H. (Corresponding to July 26th, 2018) the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the results of the Household Survey (2017) on its official website ( as part of the results of the new surveys issued by GASTAT. This survey is the first survey in the field of household health, which was carried out during the period from (21/2/1439H. to 15/3/1439H.) corresponding to (10/11/2017 to 3/12/2017). It is one of the most important sources of data needed for development planning in the health and social fields at the national level. The bulletin includes more than 85 indicators on health and social phenomena and on family health in the Kingdom.
The results showed that 94.2% of the population at the age group (15 years and above) have good or very good health according to their personal assessment of their health. Regarding Saudi population, the percentage of Saudi males who have good or very good health reached 93.5%, whereas the Saudi females reached 91.7%. The results also showed that 25.4% of the population at the age group (15 years and above) undergo a periodic medical check-up to check their health at least once a year. While the percentage of population who are covered by a health insurance reached 37.1% of total population, 13.9% of them are Saudis and 75.4% are non-Saudis.
The results also showed that the percentage of population who suffer from chronic diseases diagnosed by a doctor at the age group (65 years and above) is the highest for both males and females. The percentage in this group is 73.8% for females compared to 67.8% for males. The percentage of population who have been diagnosed with diabetes by a doctor reached 8.5% of the Kingdom population, the males diagnosed with diabetes reached 8.7% and 8.3% for females. The percentage of Saudi population who have been diagnosed with diabetes reached 10.1%, 10.4% for Saudi males and 9.8% for Saudi females.
The percentage of population (15 years and above) who have been diagnosed with cancer disease reached 0.17%, whereas the percentage of population (15 years and above) who have been diagnosed with cardiovascular diseases reached 1.14%. The results of the survey also showed that the total fertility of Saudi females reached 2.35%, while the total fertility rate in the Kingdom is (2) births per one woman in the Kingdom. The percentage of births performed by specialized doctors was 99.7%.
It is worth mentioning that this survey was conducted in accordance with the international standards recognized by the World Health Organization and the United Nations. The results will enable specialists to study many health phenomena, extract many indicators related to health in the Kingdom, as well as maternal and child indicators, and indicators about health lifestyle in the community. It also provides data about smoking, the size of accident injuries, as well as the study of marriage, family planning, fertility and child mortality. For comparison purposes and in order to unify the statistical method and style in the implementation of the household health surveys, all 13 regions of the Kingdom were covered through a representative sample of households.

The Task Teams of the (Coordination Committee of the General Authority for Statistics) discuss ways of exchanging data between government entities
With the participation of 31 government entities over a period of 5 days
The Task Teams of the (Coordination Committee of the General Authority for Statistics) discuss ways of exchanging data between government entities
Within the framework of the General Authority for Statistics' efforts to facilitate and exchange data and information with various government agencies, the coordination committee meetings of the Coordination Committee of the General Authority for Statistics took place during the five days from July 1st to 5th , 2018, with the participation of 31 government entities.
The official spokesman of the General Authority for Statistics, Tayseer Al-Mufrrej, explained that the coordination teams discussed several topics, including the discussion of the general frameworks for the coordination work between the various entities in the joint works. They also reviewed the challenges and obstacles facing the task teams and discussed the appropriate solutions. In addition, they reviewed the statistical work carried out during the last period. The government agencies also made a number of development proposals for data dissemination and raising statistical awareness, in addition to data exchange.
On the other hand, Mr. Al-Mufrrej said that the Coordination Committee of the General Authority for Statistics includes a number of coordination teams, including the coordination Task team for Economic Statistics, which includes, the Ministry of Economy and Planning, the Ministry of Health, the General Authority for Sport, the Ministry of Trade and Investment, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development , Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Ministry of Finance, Council of Saudi Chambers, Saudi Customs, General Authority for Investment, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, General Authority for Tourism and National Heritage, and Small and Medium Enterprises Authority.
The coordination task team on Environment Statistics includes: The Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, the General Authority for Meteorology and Environmental Protection, Saline water conversion Corporation and the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu.
The coordination task team on Energy Statistics includes: The Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, the Saline Water Conversion Corporation, King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, the Ministry of Energy's National Renewable Energy Program, the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu and the Electricity & Co-Generation Regulatory Authority.
The coordination task team of Masdar program includes: The Ministry of Health, Ministry of Housing, Ministry of Commerce and Investment, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, Ministry of Civil Service, Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency, General Organization for Social Insurance , The Public Pension Agency , the General Auditing Bureau, the Yesr Program, the National Information Center of the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Economy and Planning, the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Labor and Social Development.
While the coordination task team of the social statistics includes: The Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs, the Public Prosecution, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Civil Service, the Ministry of Education and the Saudi Post.
It is worth mentioning that the meetings were held as preparatory meetings for the meeting of the Coordination Committee of the General Authority for Statistics, which will be held on the tenth of next September. The "Coordination Committee" was formed permanently to coordinate the statistical work between the General Authority for Statistics and related entities, in accordance with the decision of the Council of Ministers (11) dated 13/1/1437 AH on the organization of the Commission, aimed at activating and organizing the statistical work through the establishment of a comprehensive, accurate and unified statistical system, in addition to the follow-up of its implementation. It also develops the plans and programs necessary to meet statistical needs; in order to serve the developmental plans, scientific research, and various activities.

GASTAT: Saudis economic participation rate increased, total population unemployment rate is (6.1%), and Saudis unemployment rate is (12.9%)
A decline in the numbers of non-Saudi workers by more than 234 thousand during Quarter 1, 2018
GASTAT: Saudis economic participation rate increased, total population unemployment rate is (6.1%), and Saudis unemployment rate is (12.9%)
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) published on its official website the Labor Market Bulletin for the first quarter of 2018, which provides comprehensive data and indicators on the labor market in Saudi Arabia from the estimates of the labor force survey conducted by GASTAT quarterly, in addition to the labor market data from the administrative records of some relevant entities (Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Service, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund and National Information Center).
The results of the bulletin for the first quarter of 2018 indicated that the total number of workers from the data of administrative records in Saudi Arabia (Q1, 2018) reached (13,333,513) individuals, compared to (13,581,141) individuals in Q4, 2017. However, the first quarter of 2018 witnessed a decrease in the numbers of non-Saudi workers by (234,191) individuals compared to the fourth quarter of 2017, as they registered (10,183,104) individuals in Q1, 2018 compared to (10,417,295) in Q4, 2017. On the other hand, the numbers of Saudi workers registered (3,150,409) individuals.
As for the rate of population’s economic participation (15 years and older), it recorded (55.5%) in Q1, 2018 compared to (55.6%) in Q4, 2017. However, the economic participation rate of Saudis increased by (41.89%) compared to (41.86%) in the previous quarter. Saudi males’ economic participation (15 years and older) increased by (63.5%) compared to (63.4%) in the previous quarter, whereas Saudi females’ economic participation (15 years and older) increased by (19.5%) compared to (19.4%) last quarter.
The results also showed that the rate of population’s unemployment (15 years and older) reached (6.1%) during the first quarter of 2018 compared to (6.0%) in Q4, 2017. Saudis unemployment rate (15 years and older) registered (12.9%) in the first quarter of 2018, but the Saudi females’ unemployment rate has decreased during this quarter registering (30.9%) compared to (31.10%) in Q4, 2017. In contrast, Saudi males’ unemployment rate registered an increase with (7.6%) compared to (7.5%) in Q4, 2017.
In addition, the total number of Saudi jobseekers from the estimates of administrative records (Jadarah, Sa’ed, and Hafiz programs) reached (1,072,162) individuals during the first quarter of 2018 compared to (1,086,561) individuals with a decline by (14,399) individuals from last quarter. Saudi male job seekers recorded (16.1%), while female jobseekers recorded (83.9%).
The bulletin included a large number of detailed data on workers according to the regulations they are subject to, and according to the nationality, gender, age, administrative region and educational level, as well as data on job seekers, average monthly wage, working hours and domestic workers.
On the other hand, GASTAT spokesman Mr. Taiseer Almofarrej, clarified that there is a difference between job seekers and unemployed. The "unemployed" according to the Labor Force Survey are the individuals (15 years and older) who were jobless during the period of the time reference (the survey period): the previous week of the household visit and have been looking for a job seriously during the four weeks prior to the household visit (they have at least taken one way to look for a job). This includes those who did not search for work during the four weeks prior to the household visit because they were waiting for a job or starting their own business in the coming period, where they had already been looking for work before the time reference period and at the same time they were able to work and were ready to join it (If available), during the week preceding the household visit.
Additionally, the definition of job seekers is the Saudi individuals (males or females) enrolled in the job search programs of the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarah or Sa’ed) and the Human Resources Development Fund (Hafiz). And they register their personal data, qualifications, practical experiences and CVs through an electronic system.
It is worth to mention that job seekers in the administrative records are not subject to the internationally recognized standards and conditions of unemployment approved by the ILO and therefore are not considered to be unemployed. Hence, not every job seeker is considered unemployed, s/he may be looking for work and is working in another job, this is the case in job seekers in government entities who are working, for example, in the private sector.

The General Authority for Statistics is conducting 5 field statistical works next week
Targeting more than 35,000 households and 53,000 Establishments
The General Authority for Statistics is conducting 5 field statistical works next week
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has invited all citizens and residents, as individuals or in corporations, to cooperate with the statisticians working in the field in various regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, who their statistical work will start next Tuesday Shawwal 26th,1439AH (July 10th, 2018). GASTAT asserted that all information and data given by citizens, residents and corporations is confidential and will be treated as an information basis which is reliable and can be used by development decision-makers in all relevant government entities that will serve the interest of citizens and residents.
GASTAT spokesman, Mr. Taiseer Almofarrej said that more than (1600) statisticians are conducting 5 social and economic statistical surveys during this period until Dhu Al-Qidah 20th, 1439 AH (August 2nd, 2018). These statistical works are targeting more than 35,000 households and 53,000 establishments in all (13) administrative regions. He mentioned that the field surveys of the economic indicators are used by the decision makers who are involved in the unemployment issue and increasing the employment in the internal trade activity. In addition, the recent statistical data contribute to the knowledge of the volume of internal trade activity and the measurement of its contribution to GDP. He pointed out that the Labor Force Survey helps to extract real indicators and data on unemployment, workers and the economic participation in the Kingdom, as well as data on labor force for the population (15 years old and above). This survey is one of the household field surveys based on a sample, conducted by GASTAT in the field of social statistics. He added that these data are important in terms of giving a picture of the size of the labor force among the working age population of male and female, active and economically inactive.
Mr. Almofarrej mentioned that the field surveys that will be conducted by GASTAT next week by statisticians who are holding official ID cards includes: Industrial Production Survey (3rd quarter, 2018), Economic Indicators Survey (3rd quarter, 2018), Internal Trade Activity Survey (3rd quarter, 2018), Construction Activity Survey 2018, and Tourism Survey 2018.

GASTAT releases the labour market bulletin (first quarter, 2018) next Thursday in a press conference
GASTAT releases the labour market bulletin (first quarter, 2018) next Thursday in a press conference
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) will hold a press conference next Thursday Shawwal 21, 1439H corresponding July 5, 2018 in its head office in Riyadh. In this conference, GASTAT will announce the labor market bulletin results for the first quarter of 2018. GASTAT spokesman, Mr. Taiseer Almoffarej said that we will announce the population’s total unemployment rate, Saudis’ unemployment rate, and the labor force data of quarter 1, 2018. In addition, the labor market bulletin’s statistical methodology will be explained to all media representatives who are considered essential partners in spreading the statistical data for the remarkable role of media channels in raising statistical awareness among society.
Almofarrej mentioned that GASTAT worked hard to make sure that the bulletin is thorough and includes all data and information needed by GASTAT clients while presenting them in a clear and transparent way which is an important standard of the statistical work.
It is worth mentioning that the labor market bulletin, which is published by GASTAT quarterly, includes the data of labor force, employed and unemployed persons, economic participation and unemployment rate, and job seekers numbers. These data are taken from the administrative records of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, General Institution of Social Insurances, Human Recourses Fund, and National Information Center.

GaStat Wins the Arab Government Achievements Award (2018) for the “Interactive map of the Services Guide”
Organized by the Excellence Awards Academy at the level of the Arab region
GaStat Wins the Arab Government Achievements Award (2018) for the “Interactive map of the Services Guide”
The General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) won the Arab Government Achievements award for the “Interactive map of the Services Guide” launched recently through GaStat’s official website.
On Tuesday 13/10/1439H., the Excellence Awards Academy in U.A.E, the organizer of the “Afkar” Award for Excellence in Government Innovation for the year 2018 at the level of Arab region, announced selecting the Interactive Map for the Services Guide issued by GaStat, within the top seven excellent services in the region among more than 47 services nominated to win the award.
The Interactive Map of the Services Guide is a technical tool provided by GaStat to view the services’ statistics guide for the Kingdom’s cities and villages. It is the unified reference of all government and private entities available services in different regions of the Kingdom, at the level of cities and villages in the 13 administrative regions. It includes data and information of 16,263 localities (village-city). It includes geographical information and data, Health and education services, data on the availability of administrative, social and agricultural services and public services. The total number of the main tables and its sections included in the guide is (5810) detailed table.
The guide, which was prepared by the contribution of 27 government entities, is one of the most important statistical resources for all data of the Kingdoms’ cities and villages. It is issued by GaStat every 3 years in order to provide unified data and information with official documentation and a high degree of accuracy for all services available in the cities and villages of the Kingdom so that these data are a unified reference for all ministries, government agencies and institutions, students and researchers, and media.
The Interactive map of the Services Guide provides the main data for planners, policy and decision makers according to the localities in the administrative regions. A user can perform a search by selecting the locality that has a specific service in a specific search circle, or selecting the nearest locality on the map. It also provides the possibility of displaying the distribution of services according to the type of service or administrative regions. The service also includes a “Services calculator” which is a statistical tool to conduct statistical calculations based on the databases. The results can be viewed on the map to understand the geospatial distribution of any search, and the results can be extracted on Excel file. The guide contains geographical data and information at the level of the locality (city, village) in addition to the available private and government education services (all three levels and Qura’an schools (boys and girls)), and services of university education, technical education, agricultural education, health education, scientific, professional and commercial institutes, disabled educational institutes, schools of adult education and literacy and kindergartens.
Health services including hospitals, primary health care centers, government and private clinics, Saudi Red Crescent services, data of administrative centers (governorate, center), police and civil defense centers, civil affairs, passports agency, endowments, labor offices, the centres of the General Presidency of the promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vices, courts, municipalities Social security offices, social development centers, directorates and branches of the Ministry of Agriculture, branches and offices of agricultural development funds, real estate development, industrial development, , And branches of ministries and agencies as well as public services, including electricity, water, telecommunications, postal services, telegraph offices, tourism, travel and banking services.

Saudi Arabia Participates in the International Conference “Big Data for European Statistics” in Bulgaria
In Order to Benefit from the Best Statistical Practices to Improve the Statistical Sector
Saudi Arabia Participates in the International Conference “Big Data for European Statistics” in Bulgaria
Deputy Chairman of Statistical Innovation and Client Services, Dr.Mohmmad AL-Ahmad represented the General Authority for Statistics (GaStat) in the international conference “Big Data for European Statistics” that was held between 14-15 May 2018 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Dr.AL-Ahmad clarified that the conference discussed the results of the ESSnet Big Data project; a network project of 22 partners from 20 European countries and it is financed by Eurostat. The project aimed at integrating big data of official statistics through sharing expertise of big data possible sources and creating an implementation plan.
He added that the project started in February 2016 for 28 months until May 2018 and it consists of 10 workgroups: (WP1 to WP8) are for the content, (WP10) is for the coordination and (WP9) is for the entire project.
GaStat accepted the invitation of ESSnet Big Data project in order to learn more about the European countries’ experiences in this field, and to benefit from these practices to serve GaStat’s plans of using big data for producing new statistical indicators in Saudi Arabia. On the other hand, the participants visited the National Statistics Institute NSI in Bulgaria and met Mr. Sergey Tsvetarsky NSI president to view the institute’s activities and statistical works.
GaStat participation in this conference comes within its strategic plans to build international partnership between the Kingdom and a number of distinguished countries in this field, also to benefit from the best international statistical expertise and practices in order to improve the statistical sector in the Kingdom.
GASTAT: More Than 19M Umrah Performers in 2017
(53.6%) Perfom Umrah in Ramadan
GASTAT: More Than 19M Umrah Performers in 2017
On Tuesday Ramadan 13, 1439H corresponding May 29, 2018, The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) released the report of Umrah statistics bulletin (2017). It is implemented for the second time by GASTAT as one of the new products associated with the Saudi vision 2030. The report contains many Umrah-related indicators and results which have been taken from the Umrah survey (domestic Umrah performers), and the registered data that pertains to the ministry of Hajj and Umrah (foreign Umrah performers). Through this bulletin, GASTAT and its related governmental partners want to create a database for all domestic and foreign Umrah performers to support decision and policy makers in term of the services provided to Umrah performers.
According to the results of Umrah statistics bulletin 2017, the total number of Umrah performers reached (19.079.306) performers, (6.532.074) of whom came from outside Saudi Arabia as showed in the registered data of the ministry of Hajj and Umrah. On the other hand, the total number of domestic Umrah performers (Saudis and non-Saudis) hit (12.547.232) performers according to the results of Umrah survey conducted by GASTAT. The percentage of Saudi Umrah performers who came from inside Saudi Arabia is (46.9%), whereas non-Saudis who came from inside Saudi Arabia recorded (53.1%). However, the percentage of male domestic Umrah performers registered (64.3%), while females percentage registered (35.7%).
The bulletin results also showed that Ramadan is considered a top season during which Umrah is performed by people from inside Saudi Arabia, as (53.6%) of total Umrah performers performed it in Ramadan. As for Umrah performers from outside, King Abdulaziz airport in Jeddah registered the highest percentage on foreign Umrah performers with (62.51%), while the percentage registered by Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz airport in Medina hit (25.7%).
All data of the Umrah survey results are available on GASTAT website to serve researchers and those who are interested in such data, and to support decision makers by providing them with detailed results.

GASTAT releases the 53rd edition of the Statistical Yearbook (2017)
It includes 20 chapters and data of more than 50 governmental entities
GASTAT releases the 53rd edition of the Statistical Yearbook (2017)
GASTAT released the (53rd) edition of the Statistical Yearbook for 1438/1439 H (2017). It is one of the most important statistical products released by GASTAT to monitor and document statistical data and information, also to shed light on the activities of the governmental bodies and the private sector as well.
Additionally, it reflects the growth rates from year to year and the improvement in the economic, social and population fields. The Statistical Yearbook aims to provide statistical data and information to businessmen, companies, planners, researchers and to the public too. Moreover, it accurately indicates the dimensions of the comprehensive development that were achieved by the Kingdom.
The Statistical Yearbook includes 20 chapters and over 300 tables that contain updated information which were added to improve the display and the documentation of statistical indicators and data. It covers the most significant data and information for different development sectors as well as the main results of the statistical works carried out by GASTAT during the year, also the data received from different statistical departments of more than 50 governmental and private sectors.
Moreover, it includes data about: population and vital characteristic, housing and real-estate, health, training and education, agriculture, water and environment, culture and information, internal trade, social development and services, money, insurance and prices, administrative services, labor market, industry, domestic product and household expenditure, transportation, technology and communication, Islamic affairs, Hajj and Umrah, tourism , entertainment and sport, energy, economic establishments, and data on the budget.
The Statistical Yearbook is not limited to a certain category, for example, the population and vital characteristics chapter is considered one of the significant chapters that includes useful data to conduct a research or to build indicators related to population; and through this, many development requirements can be achieved in all cities and governorates. On the other hand, policy planners and decision makers can benefit from the training and education chapter, the private sector can prepare necessary plans as well to establish more educational institutions. In addition, these data are useful for planners and those who are interested in regulating the labor market.
The social development and services chapter is important for citizens in which it shows the services provided by them. Additionally, this chapter is also useful to social researchers in which it helps them to conduct researches and studies related to social issues.
The findings of the labor market and the social protection’s chapter are very important to prepare plans to regulate the labor market and to find the right solutions. Furthermore, they can be used to conduct economic researches by economists and researches who are interested in this.
Money, insurance and prices chapter can serve a large number of researchers in the economic field to conduct studies that show the inflation rates and the consumption patterns of the population and other indicators.
It is worth mentioning that the first edition of the book was released in 1385 H (1965) and GASTAT usually prepares its chapters based on two main sources: the results of the researches and the field studies carried out by GASTAT and the statistical data received from different statistical departments from various governmental bodies.

GASTAT: 83.83% of individuals (12 to 65 years) use internet, and 92% use cell phone
According to the results of households and individuals’ ICT access and usage survey 2017
GASTAT: 83.83% of individuals (12 to 65 years) use internet, and 92% use cell phone
On Thursday 24th of Sha’aban 1439 H corresponding 10th of May 2018, the General Authority for Statistics has released the report of households and individuals’ ICT access and usage survey results 2017. This report aims at providing recent data and indicators about the communication and information technology activity, which helps decision makers in obtaining necessary statistical data. In addition, it helps in founding a wide range data base that can be used as a reliable reference for ICT activity’ studies and research. It also provides researchers and students with statistical data about the households and individuals ICT activity, so that they can use it in their scientific studies and research that contribute in developing this activity in Saudi Arabia. Not to mention its role in making local, regional, and international comparisons in the households and individuals ICT activity.
Based on the survey results, the percentage of households who can access the internet reached 86.8%. however, households who have fixed phone in their dwellings registered 24.74%. on the other hand, individuals who use the internet recorded 68.13% of total Saudi population, whereas 83.83% of individuals whose ages range between (12 and 65 years) use the internet. As for cell phones, the percentage of individuals who use cell phones is 73.28% of total Saudi population. 91% of individuals whose ages range between (12 and 65 years) use cell phones.
According to the results of this survey, the percentage of households who have a computer in their dwellings reached 46.6% of total Saudi population. However, individuals who use computers registered 24.69%, whereas 30% of total individuals whose ages range between (12 and 65 years) use computers. As for the percentage of households who have a television, they registered 92.67% of total Saudi population.

GASTAT conducts (12) statistical works that last until the beginning of Ramadan
Targeting (57350 households) and (33450 establishments)
GASTAT conducts (12) statistical works that last until the beginning of Ramadan
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has asked all citizens and residents whether individuals or institutions to cooperate with its statisticians who work in the field all over Saudi Arabia, and their work would last until the beginning of Ramadan. GASTAT asserted that all data are dealt with as an information base that developmental decision makers, who work in all related governmental entities, would rely on.
GASTAT spokesman, Mr. Taiseer Almofarrej said that (11317) statisticians are conducting (12) statistical research and surveys in many economic and social fields, and their works will last until the second of Ramadan. These statistical works are targeting (57350 households) and (33450 establishments) in all (13) administrative regions including all cities and governorates.
The results of these works represent a base for making the related developmental decisions. On the level of statistical works that target households, GASTAT is currently conducting the households and individuals’ ICT access and usage survey 2018, the household and population characteristics survey 2018, and the labor force survey, Q2 of 2018.
On the other hand, Almofarrej clarified that the general statistics system issued by the ministers’ cabinet, all data and information provided by any citizen, resident, or establishment are kept and dealt with confidentiality. He added that the people’s cooperation with statisticians would guarantee the success of these works, and using them in supporting economic and social development accordingly.
It is worth mentioning that GASTAT is following certified international standards in choosing the sample of these works. Thus, GASTAT asks all individuals in the statistical society, either households or establishments, to cooperate with the statistician who can be identified by his official card. In addition, there is a communication center that everyone contacts on 920020081

GASTAT participates in the seventh round of OIC-StatCom
GASTAT participates in the seventh round of OIC-StatCom
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) participates in the meetings of the seventh round of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation Statistical Commission (OIC-StatCom), which are held in Ankara- Turkey, during the period 2-3 May, 2018, corresponding 16-17 Shaaban, 1439H. On the first day of the meetings, the director- general of Methodologies and Statistical Classifications has presented in details how to use administrative records and vital statistics in the next population census which will be conducted in 2020. On the other hand, the vice president for Statistical Works has met the director- general of Statistical, Economic, and Social Research and Training Center for Islamic Countries (SESRIC),
Ambassador Musa KulaKlikaya. During their meeting, they shed light on GASTAT statistical transformation experience, and how can they reflect the experience of Saudi Arabia on other Islamic countries. Moreover, the vice president, and on behalf of all GASTAT staff, has expressed his thanks and gratitude for all the efforts exerted by the center. He assured that the authority can always provide support in different statistical fields. In the end, the center’s director-general has thanked the authority for their initiative, and expressed the center’s desire to sign a memorandum of understanding with GASTAT in the field of statistics.

GASTAT: According to the survey of Households Sports Practice in Saudi Arabia (14.89%) of population are practicing sports for more than 150 minutes’ weekly
New survey to be released for the first time in cooperation with the General Sports Authority,
GASTAT: According to the survey of Households Sports Practice in Saudi Arabia (14.89%) of population are practicing sports for more than 150 minutes’ weekly
On Tuesday 15th of Shaaban 1439H, corresponding to 1st of May 2018, GASTAT has released the results of Households Sports Practice Survey, 2017. The survey complements the surveys implemented by GASTAT in 2017. Households sports practice is one of the Saudi vision 2030 requirements. In addition, this kind of practice includes indicators that are targeted by 2030. The data of this survey allows conducting many developmental studies and plans in general, and in the sports field in particular. These studies and plans should support the development of many programs and initiatives that do increase the rate of households sports practice. The survey methodology and form must be compatible with the international standards and recommendations issued by ILO on one hand, and with the General Sports Authority needs on the other hand.
According to the survey results, the percentage of individuals (15 years and older) who are engaged in sports activities for more than 150 minutes weekly reached (14.89%). However, those who do not practice sports recorded (85.11%). Moreover, the percentage of Saudi males and females (15 years and older) who are engaged in sports activities for more than 150 minutes’ weekly registered (11.24%), (8.83%) of whom are males and (2.41%) are females. On the other hand, the percentage of non-Saudi males and females who are engaged in sports activities hit (3.65%).
The results also indicated that the percentage of those who practice sports in public facilities (public place, garden…etc) is 59.04%. in contrast, those who practice sports in GYMs registered 15.11%, while those who practice it at home recorded 14.75%. Additionally, the percentage of individuals who practice sports in clubs recorded 1.63%, whereas those who practice it in other places registered only 1.19%
The survey revealed that the reasons of not practicing sports among Saudi population varied. Some people have chosen not to practice it with a percentage of 50.47%, and some do not have time to practice (32.11%). However, some people do not have public facilities in their neighbourhoods (14.65%), and some have other reasons for not practicing (2.77%).
The survey aims at providing recent statistical indicators and data about households’ sports practice. In addition, it provides the reasons behind not practicing sports by kind of relationship with the household head, and classification by gender, nationality, educational status, age, marital status. Furthermore, it provides data about the percentages of individuals engaged in sports activities on at the administrative regions level.
GASTAT will work on improving the survey indicators periodically in cooperation with the General Sports Authority, in a way that supports the 2030 Saudi vision achievement.

GASTAT: Saudis’ economic participation rate increased, and unemployment rate remained stable
Within the results of labor market bulletin, quarter 4, 2017
GASTAT: Saudis’ economic participation rate increased, and unemployment rate remained stable
The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) releases on its official website the Labor Market Bulletin for the fourth quarter of 2017, which provides comprehensive data and indicators on the Saudi labor market taken from the labor force survey conducted by the Authority on a quarterly basis, and from the administrative records of some relevant entities (Ministry of Labor and Social Development, Ministry of Civil Service, General Organization for Social Insurance, Human Resources Development Fund and National Information Center).
The results of the bulletin (third quarter, 2017) showed an increase in the economic participation of Saudis (15 years and older) as it reached (41.9%) compared to (40.7%) in Quarter 3, 2017, with an increase of (1.2%). The results indicated that the economic participation of Saudi females has increased by (19.4%) compared to (17.8%), whereas, Saudi males’ participation has increased by (63.4%) compared to (62.6%) in the third quarter of 2017. However, the results demonstrated a stability in the unemployment rate of the Saudi population for the third time, where it stabilized at (12.8%), the unemployment rate of all population (Saudis and non-Saudis) has registered (6.0%), with an increase of (0.2%) compared to the previous quarter. The results also showed a decline in the unemployment rate of Saudi with (31.0%) compared to (32.7%) in quarter 3. On the other hand, Saudi males’ unemployment rate has registered an increase by (7. 5%) compared to (7.4%) in quarter 3. Moreover, the results indicated that according to the administrative records of Saudi Arabia, there is a decline in the numbers of Saudi job seekers during the fourth quarter of 2017, as they reached (1,086,561) persons with a decline of (11.8%) compared to the third quarter of 2017. In contrast, the numbers of Saudi employed persons have increased by (3.3%) with (3,163,846) persons.
The bulletin included a large number of detailed data about workers according to the regulations they are subject to, nationality, gender, age, administrative region, and educational level, as well as data about job seekers, average monthly wage, working hours and domestic workers.
On the other hand, the official spokesman of the General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT), Taiseer Al-Mofarrej, clarified that when comparing the unemployment rate of total population ( Saudis and non-Saudis) in Saudi Arabia, which registered (6%) in this quarter, with the unemployment rates of the Group of Twenty (G20), we find that Saudi Arabia is in the average rate, as ten countries among which is Saudi Arabia has registered rates ranging between (4%) and (7%). The below table shows the unemployment rates of G20:
Unemployment rates in G20
Unemployment rate
South Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States
Almofarrej added, the results of the labor market bulletin, Quarter 4, 2017 have showed the tendencies of jobseekers in the Saudi market, as the percentage of those who seek a government job reached 38%.
It is worth mentioning that GASATAT has previously clarified the difference between job seekers and unemployed, and that unemployment rate cannot be calculated based on the number of jobseekers that is registered in the databases of other government entities. The "unemployed" according to the Labor Force Survey are individuals (15 years and older) who were jobless during the period of the time reference (the survey period): the previous week of the household visit and have been looking for a job seriously during the four weeks prior to the household visit (they have at least taken one way to look for a job). This includes those who did not search for jobs during the four weeks prior to the household visit because they were waiting for a job or starting their own business in the coming period, where they had already been looking for work before the time reference period and at the same time they were able to work and were ready to join it (If available), during the week preceding the household visit.
Additionally, jobseekers can be defined as Saudi individuals (males or females) enrolled in the job search programs of the Ministry of Civil Service (Jadarah or Saa’ed) and the Human Resources Development Fund (Hafiz), and they register their personal data, qualifications, practical experiences and CVs through an electronic system.
Not to mention that job seekers in the administrative records are not subject to the internationally recognized standards and conditions of unemployment approved by the ILO, and therefore are not considered to be unemployed. Hence, not every job seeker is considered unemployed, S/he may be looking for work and is working in another job, this is the case in those who seek a government job and are working, for example, in the private sector and not registered in the records of the General Organization of Social Insurance (GOSI), as if there is a jobseeker and s/he works in the private sector and subscribed in GOSI, s/he ca not be considered within jobseekers in the labor market bulletin.