26 Apr 2024

Job details

242303 - Job and Occupational Classification Specialist

List job names and categorize and code them in homogeneous groups; prepare templates out of job descriptions; audit and amend job descriptions received from various entities; and prepare, present and keep the specialized documents and reports related to job and occupational classification.

Main Tasks:
  • List, code and categorize job names and occupations into homogeneous groups.
  • Study the international experiences expertise in the field of job and occupation descriptions; determine the extent to which they can be utilized or applied; and make recommendations and suggestions related to methods and practices.
  • Develop the job description preparation templates; and prepare job or occupation descriptions, according to the approved templates.
  • Develop the methods and procedures of work using modern techniques; and keep up with the developments and updates in the field of job classification and description.
  • Prepare the specialized documents and reports related to job description; provide the appropriate recommendations and solutions; and display, clarify, and maintain them on the corresponding database, as per the approved policies and procedures.

Educational Level:
  • Bachelor degree

Educational Field:
  • Management and administration

  • Team Work
  • Ability to build relationships
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Effective Communication
  • Focus on Servie Quality

Technical skills:
  • Organisational development
  • Labour market policies
  • Human Resources (project)
  • Management / organisation
  • Labour market interpretation

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