14 Nov 2024

Last update 30 / 05 / 2023


This is the Fifty-fifty issue of the Statistical Yearbook published by General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT).


The Statistical Yearbook, 2019A.D (1440/1441A.H) provides a detailed official statistical data collected this year by GASTAT for the activities and achievements of various public and private sector organizations in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 


Updated information and new tables have been added to this issue as part of our efforts to improve the substance and form of this publication. For this goal, GASTAT has held cooperation of various data providers taking into consideration the objective of not only recording and documenting the information received from these sources but also highlighting the efforts and activities of the governmental and non-governmental agencies. It is expected that this information will benefit researchers and planners as well as accurately reflect the comprehensive progress and development in the Kingdom under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, His Royal Highness, the Crown Prince and his prudent government. 


General Authority for Statistics would appreciate receiving any comments or suggestions from the users of this publication to further improve the style and contents of the data presented.


General Authority for Statistics would like to express the deepest gratitude to all ministries, government departments and other institutions that conributed to this publication by providing the required data and thus making its task easier in this regard. The Ga Stat would also like to commend the valuable support and the cooperation by all concerned for the timely publication of this document.


 General Authority for Statistics

Download : Statistical Yearbook Methodology


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General Information about The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Population & Demography

Chapter 1

Housing and Real Estate

Chapter 2


Chapter 3

Education and Training

Chapter 4

Agriculture, Water and Environment

Chapter 5

Culture and Information

Chapter 6

Foreign Trade

Chapter 7

Service & Social Development

Chapter 8

Money, Insurance & Prices

Chapter 9

Administrative Services

Chapter 10

Labor Market & Social Security

Chapter 11


Chapter 12

GDP and Household Expenditure

Chapter 13


Chapter 14

Technology and Communication

Chapter 15

 Islamic Affairs, Hajj and Umrah

Chapter 16

Tourism, Entertainment and Sports

Chapter 17


Chapter 18


Chapter 19

Budget Data

Chapter 20


Note: The General Authority for Statistics (GASTAT) has revised Saudi Arabia’s historical population numbers for the 2010-2021 period as it releases the new Saudi Census 2022 results through a back-casting exercise.

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