27 Apr 2024

Job details

111106 - Region Emir

Supervise the development of the general objectives, strategies and plans for the Region in accordance with the strategic visions and priorities of the Kingdom; represent the Region externally; coordinate with the competent authorities with regard to the development of the Region and ensuring its security; follow up the implementation of plans, determining priorities, directing efforts and activities to achieve the vision and mission; ensure the compliance with all laws and regulations; and give decisions, guidance and instructions that are necessary to ensure the fulfillment of public interest in the Region.

Main Tasks:
  • Supervise the development and preparation of strategic plans and general objectives for the Region in line with the Kingdom strategic visions and priorities and in accordance with the needs of the Region; ensure the existence of accurate frameworks and metrics by which the level of achieving these strategic plans and objectives is determined.
  • Represent the Region and coordinate with the competent authorities regarding the development of the Region and its people and understanding their requirements and needs; coordinate with the various ministries and higher authorities in order to produce appropriate recommendations about the needs and services the Region requires; and follow up their implementation processes.
  • Follow up the implementation of general plans and strategies; sort out priorities and objectives; direct all efforts and activities with the aim to achieve the vision and mission; provide guidance and motivate all officials to carry out their work efficiently to promote the region at all levels.
  • Give decisions and directives to ensure balanced development of all governorates of the Region; supervise the activities of the Emirate, its councils and committees; and direct them to ensure the security of the Region and the integrity of its borders.
  • Lead the Region works and activities; make the necessary decisions to manage, plan, develop and organize the Region and supervise their implementation; listen to the officials and dignitaries in the Region and solving their problems; and give the appropriate directives and instructions.

التقييم الصفحات